

  The year 2023 is poised to be a critical year for all Nigerians. As with every election period, Nigerians — young and old, are expected to head to the polls in a bid to decide the people qualified to hold various elective positions in the country. But before the masses vote, parties have to choose their flag bearers. According to Nigeria’s 2010 Electoral Act, all parties are mandated to hold what it refers to as “Primary Elections”. Similar to the general elections, party primaries feature an array of candidates with only one winner in the end. The difference is, this time, rather than going with a decision compiled from the general public, parties decide on representatives known as delegates, who then go ahead to vote for a party flag bearer from the myriad of candidates who indicate interest. It goes without saying that the fate of our nation rests on the shoulders of the decision they make. But what exactly do they do, what is the reach of their influence and how are they selected


  USING EDUCATION AS A TOOL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ............the Ben Kalu's standard "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place. It’s important to seize the day, but always make time to go deeper and wider in your learning, the cure for boredom is curiosity but there is no cure for curiosity.  The more you learn, the more you want to learn, the more the world becomes more interesting to you, and discovering it becomes more fun.  "If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” this is a popular Chinese Proverb. Rep Benjamin Kalu's giant strides in the education sector is quite commendable. His evenly distributed dividends of democracy makes him even more admirab


 PLAGIARISM ROCKS UNN, VICE CHANCELLOR KEEPS MUM                    By             Azuka Omeje As the strike by members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) enters the fifth week, the University of Nigeria Nsukka is plagued by a plagiarism scandal which the management is unwilling to investigate or wield the big stick using subsisting laws and regulations of the University. A big cloud of uncertainty hovers around the campus as forces around the vice Chancellor perfects plot to sweep the matter under the carpet. Trouble erupted in the Department of history and international Studies when a staff and a church pastor in the good books of the management plagiarised at the departmental PhD seminar. In the presence of Professors and senior academics, the culprit's work was stepped down with a senior member of the department writing a petition to the university with detailed evidence of the shameful act. The plagiarised work belonged to the immediate past VC of Ambrose Alli

CHECK OUT THE TOP RESEARCHERS IN UNN. Prof Ukaogo, others tops list

 TOP 500 RESEARCHERS IN UNN: PROF. VICTOR UKAOGO IN THE MIX By Iheke Nwachukwu In what has become an annual ritual of academic achievement measured in terms of research accomplishments in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, the list of 500 highly reputed researchers has been released. Compiled by SciVal Elsivier-an internationally recognized publication database used for University rankings, SciVal contains database populated by publication data taken from the Elsevier scopus database. Elsevier analyzises research areas to find top performing universities and authors and is based in Boston University, United States. For the University of Nigeria, the top 500 authors came from all the faculties and departments with the sciences topping the log. Dr Uche Okonkwo and Prof. Victor Ukaogo, both of the department of history and international Studies were tops in the Faculty of Arts. Whereas Dr Okonkwo was 58th on the University log and first in the Faculty Prof. Ukaogo was 229th on the log and